Setting The Mood

Part of making any type of celebration or event special and romantic is setting the mood for it. Setting the mood can be taken in many forms, from just being excited about it, to decorating in order to create an overall effect. The point is to create an environment that exudes love and romance so that the both of you can just get caught up in the moment!

The first thing you'll need to do is decide exactly the type of mood you want to set. Ask yourself what it is that you are trying to accomplish and what mood you want to convey: playful, romantic, sexy... all the above... :) Before you go about getting everything ready, make sure you know where you want to end up!

*Aromatherapy and Massage For Lovers
A perfect way to set the mood this Valentine's Day is through your lover's senses!

*Cute nicknames

*Decorations from the Heart
Why limit decorations to just the traditional holidays? Help create the perfect mood by spreading a little love around...
-Take out your Christmas lights, red lights are the best, and put them up around the house. This year stores have taken much more of an interest in Valentine's Day and there are quite a few romantic lighting options available. Use this to your advantage!
-Buy roses and fresh bouquets and put them EVERYWHERE!! Remember, most grocery stores sell roses and bouquets at quite a reasonable price.
-Candlelight is one of the most popular symbols of romance. Go to a local discount or craft store and stock up on as many candles and candlestick holders possible. Place them everywhere and light them every night instead of using your normal lighting. You'd be surprised at the result!!
-Tie red ribbons on all your plants!
-Have red candles of all shapes and sizes all over.
-Balloons are a great way to say "I love you." Buy a bunch of balloons and put them all over the place.
-Use red satin sheets.
-Burn incense or scented candles.
-Play your favorite romantic music.
-Place heart soaps in the bathroom and kitchen.
-Have scented massage oils in the bedroom.
-Use red potpourri.
-Make a canopy of red crepe paper over your bed.
-Use red garland! For something fun, make a heart out of it.
-Put cutout hearts all over the walls.
-Buy some romantic prints of people kissing or couples.
-Use red bedding.
-Have holiday packaged candies like M&M's, Hershey's Kisses, etc. around.
-Lay a rose on your love's pillow.

*Having The Right Ingredients
In order to set the proper mood, especially if you're planning on a romantic evening at home, you need to have the right ingredients! Below is a list of a few things you should have in "romantic" stock at all times!
-Candles, preferably scented.
-Incensce or Potpourri
-Romantic music
-Satin Sheets
-Soft Pillows
-Massage or Baby Oil
-Bubble Bath (find their favorite scent!)
-Scented oils!
-Big Comfy Bath Towels
-Ice Bucket
-Champagne, Water and Wine Glasses
-Picnic Basket
-Breakfast In Bed Tray
-Champagne, Water, Wine, Sparkling Water and Fresh Juices
-Romantic/Sexy Clothes
-Romantic Movies
-Finger Foods

*Personal Enhancements
Ok, we've covered ideas on how to set the mood through your own feelings and emotions, and how to create a love haven. Now it's time to take a look at your physical self and how to use it to create the perfect setting!
-Get a make over, cut your hair... whatever personal attribute you've been meaning to get taken care of... DO IT!!
-If you're planning an evening of romance at home, make sure to wear something that compliments your theme. If lingerie isn't to your liking, then try a romantic nightgown or something similar.
-If you're going out, wear that knock-out outfit, or go buy the one you've been eyeing for awhile!! Remember the better you look, the better you'll feel.
-Wear something comfortable. If you're going out in a new outfit, wear it for an hour or so to make sure it will be comfortable and isn't inconvenient. Don't forget to break in any new shoes.
-Go to a hair stylist and test a few new "do's". Guys, go out and get a professional shave and cut!
-Take the time to do something special with yourself. If it means taking an extra 5 to 10 minutes in your personal grooming, do it. Most of the time, it's the small things that end up meaning the most.
-If you've gained a few pounds during the holidays, start exercising or start in on some healthier eating habits. Imagine how special your love will feel to know you're making a better effort in your appearance just for them!!

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