Pet Death/Euthanasia Ritual

Sandalwood incense
Rose Quartz
One flower of your choice
Red Candle
White Candle

Open Circle for proper Esbat.

Light the incense and candles, and greet the Lord and Lady by saying:

"I come to You now to release
This pain and all emotional beasts
That plague my heart so heavily -
Take them from me - set me free!"

Name the flower for your pet. Holding it in your hand, stroke its petals and
speak to your pet with love and honesty. If euthanasia was a factor, explain your reasons for terminating his/her life cycle. If not, this is a good time to talk to your pet about the loneliness you feel without him/her.

Place the flower on the altar and lay the rose quartz on top of it. Tell your pet that the stone will always represent him/her to you, and explain that she or he is free to go to the Summerlands for rebirthing. Say:

"You're free to go now, Little One,
Rejoice and play - the time has come
For your spirit to be on its way.
Have fun, be happy - your love will stay!"

Meditate on the spirit of your pet moving on, then place a drop of vinegar on your tongue to represent the sourness we feel when Death takes a loved one. Take some time to grieve for what might have been. (If you haven't had a good cry yet, now is the time. Scream, yell, throw a fit if you need to, but get it all out of your system.)

When you feel all cried out, taste the honey. Rejoice and celebrate the relationship you had with your pet. Remember all the good times you had, the
love you shared, and the special spot the pet filled in your life.

Extinguish the candles and thank the Lord and Lady for Their comforting presence.

Release the flower into a body of water, such as a river or stream. Wish it a fond farewell as it floats away. Keep the rose quartz close to you, or in a safe place, or on your altar.

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