Fit-N: Fun, Friends, Family, Household Chores, Laundry
Tuesday - 4/21 - Did abso nothing today. Vegged in front of the TV, read, napped. Perfect "sunday" before work.
Fit-N: Me
Wednesday - 4/22 - Took mom out and about today. Went to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum downtown Fayetteville to look for some remembrance material for the Good Sam Samboree this weekend. Then a shopping extravaganous at the local wallyworld for groceries. Where the nephew decided to exert his Independence. I's a big boy.
Fit-N: Family
Thursday - 4/23 - The Parents got off to a good start on their weekend. Went over to the rents & watered flowers after work, then home again to bake a cake!! Gotta love this - I'm actually turning a profit on cakes now.
Fit-N: Side Line
Friday - 4-24 - OMG, neffie survived his very first sleep over EVER!!!! I'm so pleased. Evidently he spent the night with his GeeGee and not only survived but thrived. Handled going to bed without Mommy fine - got a little fussy, but after his bedtime story he went right to sleep and slept through the night. Honey you are's a big boy now. I love you.
Anyhoo - got off work this am and headed to the Asian Market - I love all the different things is the store - even if I can't read all the packaging. I found some Shrimp Balls that I'm going to try and some Garlic Honey sauce. Sounded pretty good. Then I had to race home because I'm baking get this - not one but two cakes this weekend!!! Yippie - now it's time to start turning fun & games into a business. Other hand - I'm not sure what's going on, but DH was home from work all afternoon, his boss told him to come back on Monday, there's nothing going on right now. Hey it's all cool. I had him home to help with the cakes, and trust me - that was worth it.
Fit-N: Hubby Time
Saturday - 4-25 Talked to one of my coworkers before I left work today & it seems I will be putting together the diaper cake for the bridal shower after all. I can't wait to try my hand at something different. And then it was rush to the rents to take care of the fine feathered friends & greenery. And then home to my wonderful bed. Comfy and soft and included a hubby to snuggle. We rarely get to snuggle - so this was a treat.
I realize different people have different priorities in life - but wow. I for one am really glad that my single minded pursuit is no longer to get get falling down/passing out drunk. I'm enjoying the age & the time that I am in right now.
Sunday - 4-26 SLEEP!!! Blessed Sleep!!! Running over to the Rent's this morning to feed & water the birds & plants, then it is home to sleep.
And I slept and slept. Woke up at one point cause the AC is off - but hey what ever. Got up in plenty of time to cook a really good meal this week - yay me. And now I will have to follow Daisy of Love on VH1.
Fit-N: Sleep, cooking, Meal Planning, TV
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