My List in 15 Minutes

I saw this great idea over at Booking Through Thursday and I wanted to share. List 15 books that you have read in your lifetime that will always stick with you. Don’t take too long to think about it - keep it under 15 minutes.

My list in no particular order:

1)Garden Spells - Sarah Addison Allen Break out new storyteller with a wonderful gift

2)Necklace of Kisses - Francesca Lia Block I love the grown up Weetzie and I have read this book on average every 2 weeks for the past year.

3)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling First book and to date my favorite of hers - just good clean story telling

4)Someplace to Be Flying - Charles De Lint The Crow Girls nuff said

5)Magic's Pawn (Truth told the whole trilogy) - Mercedes Lackey I love the concept of homosexuality treated gently in this story

6)Fear Nothing - Dean Koontz the title says it all

7)Dragonsong - Anne McCaffrey - proof that girls can be more than what they should be

8)Survivor In Death - JD Robb This is Nora Roberts best book to date as far as I'm concerned - Nixie is alive and happy in my mind to this date

9)The Life Audit - Caroline Righton I'm still auditing my life and it helps

10)Nancy Drew - Carolyn Keene showed me that girls can solve mysteries and look pretty doing so. LOL

11)Kushiel's Dart - Jacqueline Carey I love twisted history and this book is perfect.

12)Nurse Nancy - Kathryn Jackson (Little Golden Book) My sister & I used to fight over this book and there are still a lot of memories wrapped up in the pages of this children's book.

13)Lad: A Dog - Albert Payson Terhune First story that made me cry/sob

14)To Ride A Silver Broomstick - Silver RavenWolf 1st introduction to written works on witchcraft and I still love her EASY TO READ prose.

15)The Stand - Stephen King Epic tale of good over evil

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