
Candles for the quarters, Goddess and God. Tapers, one each for all attending, any color associated with the God, but preferably all the same.

Casting the Circle
We stand between worlds - Where Earth and Sky
Night and day - Life and death are one
The circle is cast - The ritual begun

Quarter Call
Spirits of the East - Wind of enlightenment, and inspiration
Lend your powers to our circle this morning, That our minds may open to new ideas
Light Candle

Spirits of the South - Fire of passion and transformation
Lend your powers to our circle this morning, That our love may sustain the land
Light Candle

Spirits of the West - Water of life and purification
Lend your powers to our circle this morning That our hearts may be strong and whole
Light Candle

Spirits of the North Earth from the beginning of time
Lend your powers to our circle this morning That we may take our place in the endless chain of life
Light Candle

Call of the God & Goddess
Goddess of rebirth
You again bring forth the God and the promise of spring
Be with us this night
As we celebrate the young God
and the growing light
Light Candle

God of love, and protection
You again lead the ever-changing dance of life
Be with us this night
As we celebrate the rising of the Mother
And the fertility of the Earth
Light Candle

The Goddess and God stand together once more
May we feel their presence in our hearts and minds
As easily as we see them in the wider world

Ligth Bearer: Lights taper from God candle on the altar, and proceeds around the circle deosil, lighting each member's candle and directing the following blessing to each in turn.

You are Goddess
You are God
You are the blanket of winter
and the first breath of spring
Be with us, within us
Bless, and be blessed

When finished, returns to her or his place in the circle, now a circle of light.

The light grows strong once more in the land
Under the snow, the pulse of life quickens
Feel the Earth beneath you, the heartbeat of the waking Mother
May we share in the great cycle of rebirth
And blossom with new life and creativity


So mote it be!

Here, all gathered should be free to join in an open discussion. Share your plans for the spring. Discuss projects with the group, if desired. The idea is that there is new life rising within you, too. Have fun deciding what you're going to do with it. Be leisurely here, celebrate the company of those close to you.

This is also the time that all in circle should bless the seeds they wish to plant.

Call: Night gives way before the growing God
Respone: We feel the power alive in the world
Call: The Goddess walks the Earth again
Response: And sings us awake with wind and rain
Call: The promise of life is newly made
Response: Our winter's debt to darkness paid
All: Blessed be!

The Simple Feast
Member:Goddess of abundance
Bless these gifts as you bless us all
Help us to see the Divine in all we share

Member:God of the harvest
Bless these gifts as you bless us all
Help us to see the Divine in all we share

Opening the Circle
Goddess of the brightening day
We thank you for your presence in our circle,
And ask you to be near us,
While we are apart;
Let your warmth revive us
Your love support us
And your passion inspire us all

God of the growing and wild things
We thank you for your presence in our circle,
And ask you to be near us,
While we are apart;
Let your warmth revive us
Your love support us
And your passion inspire us all

Spirits of the North, Thank you for your presence and strength. Both here, today, and in our daily lives. May we live in peace, with you and each other, always.

Spirits of the West, Thank you for your purity and cleansing. Both here, today, and in our daily lives. May we live in peace, with you and each other, always.

Spirits of the South, Thank you for your heat and desire. Both here, today, and in our daily lives. May we live in peace, with you and each other, always.

Spirits of the East, Thank you for your intelligence and communicaton. Both here, today, and in our daily lives. May we live in peace, with you and each other, always.

All: Blessed be!

The circle is open,
but yet unbroken
May the love of the Goddess
be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part
and merry meet again.

All: Blessed be!

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