Beltane (Group)

The Ritual

Circle Cast: Envision a circle of blooming flowers and fairy lights. Use flower petals, if you have them, to outline your circle.
Simple hands weave simple threads and so make stronger twine.
Now celebrate this union and the blessings of those joined

Facing east Windborn sprites of mystic air be with me now, be with me now.
And bring your clarity to bear be with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the air, Welcome. Light the yellow candle.

Facing south Firelit fairies magic spark be with me now, be with me now
your purity to me impart be with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the fire, Welcome. Light the red candle.

Facing west Water nymphs of fountains blessed be with me now, be with me now
your empathy bring to my quest b with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the water, Welcome. Light the blue candle.

Facing north Brownies, elves and earthly wards be with me now, be with me now
stabilities enchanted guards be with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the earth, Welcome. Light the green candle.

Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
Sun Prince grown now to Sun King fullness, warmth, and pleasure bring.
Attend my rite and leave your mark upon my spirit and my heart.
Between the worlds I welcome you. Light the gold candle

Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
Maiden, Mother, Shining Queen, fertility and bounty bring.
Attend my rite and leave your mark upon my spirit and my heart.
Between the worlds I welcome you. Light the silver candle

The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds beyond the bounds of time where
life and death, future and past laughter and tears, the first and the last
meet here as one. Blessed be.

We come now between the worlds to celebrate creation through unity and the return of vitality, passion, and hope with this turn of the wheel.

Priest: Beltane! We dance with delight on Beltane's night. All senses freeing, We dance for being. The flower and the flame of love's own rite shall blossom. Sun embrace Earth, bright.

Priestess: If the Ladies will come with Me please

Priest: And the Gentlemen with Me.

In separate areas - Males work on the Male part - Females the female.

For Women: visualize a red rosebud in your womb. Always your womb is the source of your creative power, whether you are pregnant with a child, an idea, a work of art or an intention. Close your eyes and picture the light from the candle streaming into your womb so that the rosebud blooms, unfolds. Hold the image for a while, feeling the silkiness, smelling the scent, the freshness, seeing the color of the fully open rose within you. Feel the strength and power of your own fully blossomed capabilities. Say:

I am woman, strong to conceive and to create, to give birth and to tend.
As I am daughter of the Goddess, and blessed by the God, may I ___

{here name what you wish to bring forth in life. For example bring healing to others or write my book whatever matters to you}

Feel the strength and creative force within your womb, the center of your being. See the power being channeled, flowing into the desire you have just voiced. Open your eyes. Always, the rose is within you.

For Men: Visualize a bright flame. This burns within your sexual center, a point at the base of the stomach, just above the pubic hairline. It is your own male strength and energy which may rise through your body to be released as giving, fertilizing power, in any form, or may be the potency which impregnates, creating a physical child. It is the force which blesses and bestows, a healing and creative energy, like the shining Sun. Visualize also that you are sitting in a garden and that a rose tree is in front of you, the roses in bud. Say:

I am man, and in my passion is beauty, in my warmth is life. As I am son of the Goddess, and blessed by the God, I offer my strength and vitality to ____

{name the area of life, the place, activity, or commitment you choose}

Visualize the light streaming from you to a rose upon the tree causing it to unfold, to blossom. Your flame is lowered by this effort. Much has gone out of you, the flame sinks down. Wait and watch, until a pink light streams from the rose towards your body. At its touch, just above the pubic hairline the flame resurges. It burns highter and stronger than before. Open your eyes. The flame is always within you.

Priestess: If everyone has finished, please return to the circle center

Priestess - Take the silver and gold ribbons and weave them around the maypole.
Silver and Gold Moon and Sun He and She Combined as one.

Priest - Now weave Blue and Red around the Maypole.
Blue and Red. Water and Fire. Strength and Courage and Will to survive Peace and Patience, and Wisdom abide combine to bring my hearts desire.

Priestess - Now weave yellow and Green around the Maypole.
Green and Yellow, Earth and Air. Prosperity, Growth, Abundance to share
with Travel, and Movement, and Confidence there unite and bring my hopes to bear.

Priestess lays the Maypole on the alter, Priest light the Bel Fire Candles
Light the Yellow candle - Spark to ignite travel and movement
Light the Red candle - Spark to Ignite Strength and Courage.
Light the Blue candle - Spark to ignite Patience and Wisdom.
Light the Green candle - Spark to ignite Growth and Prosperity.
Light the White candle - Spark to ignite that which is within.

Priestess - Take your crown of flowers and place it in your hair All that be, unite in me.

Priest grabs the Maypole and passes it through the fire, then passes to the Priestess who passes it through the fire, passes to the next person. Each time saying
All that be united in me And no reverse to bring a curse. Harming none this be done.

Dance around the Bel Fire, adding the newest person each time around.

Cakes & Ale

Maiden, Mother, and Beltane Bride, my thanks for your presence at my side
Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell, and blessed be. Quench candle.

Sun Prince, Husband, and Father to be, my thanks for your presence here with me.
Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell, and blessed be. Quench candle.

Face North Brownies of the earthen stone, my thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell, and blessed be. Quench candle.

Face West Nymphs of waterfalls and seas, my thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell, and blessed be. Quench candle.

Face South Fairies of the candleglow, my thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell, and blessed be. Quench candle.

Face East Sprites of air and summer breeze, my thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell, and blessed be. Quench candle.

“The circle is open yet still unbroken merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again.”

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