Book: Night Myst

Yasmine Galenorm
Urban Fantasy
Berkley / 2010
Mass Market Paperback / 317 Pages
Series Indigo Court #1

Eons ago, vampires tried to turn the Dark Fae in order to harness their magic, only to create a demonic enemy more powerful than they imagined. Now Myst, the Vampiric Fae Queen of the Indigo Court, has enough power to begin a long prophesied supernatural war. And Cicely Waters, a witch who can control the wind, may be the only one who can stop her-and save her beloved Fae prince from the Queen's enslavement.

I picked this book up because Fan of the Otherworld series

What I liked the Most? Ulean

What I liked the Least? I really don’t get the whole I’m gonna fall for a stalker concept

Review: Something is stalking humans and magic-born alike – no one knows what’s happening, but everyone can sense it. This is the mess that Cicely Winters walks back into when she comes home after being on the road almost her whole life. She is a determined warrior and will not let the town, and her aunt, be taken by this darkness. So great in theory – but totally lacking in execution. I may try the next book only because Yasmine is a slow starter and maybe just maybe after all the world building in this book – the series will go some where.

I’m afraid this one fell a little flat.

Recommended to: I’m not sure I would

Best Quote: "And she arose from her deathbed in a gossamer gown, with eyes the color of starlight and hair as black as the night. And those who were her captors trembled, for the scent of death and madness emanated from her soul, and yet she was not dead. She moved like the spiders that creep in the treetops, and none could look away. Taking her first captor in hand, she fed deep and ravenous. And so it was that Myst, Queen of the Indigo Court, was born from the blood of the dead."

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