You Become What You Believe

Yay – this is my favorite word!!! I even have it tattooed on my wrist.

But I don’t really use it like I should. I’ve stopped decorating with it, and using it in every aspect of my life. I’ve let my insecurities lead me astray & I’ve stopped believing in the fairy tale come true. Speak it to see it.

Points from the class:
  • To find your purpose – pay attention the the life you are leading now.
  • You are worthy of happiness, love and peace. Believe it.
  • Believe it to be true…and so it shall be.

Main Question
How would you fill in these blanks? The one thing I wished I had become is _____. The one thing I will become is _____. The one thing I wish I had become is a college graduate and the one thing I will become is happy.

Further exploration:
  1. Think of something you wish to make happen and in your mind create a concrete symbol to represent that wish coming true. I need to use my visualization board again.
  2. What is the feeling in your body as you imagine this wish coming true? Peace & joy
  3. When has a negative statement called forth a strong feeling in you that said, “No, this person is wrong. I am meant to succeed?” When Frog said I was nothing more than a useless fat bitch.
  4. Are your actions in alignment with what you say you want in life? Some days yes – other days no.

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