Tuning into Your Inner Buddy

Tuning into Your Inner Buddy

Gotta hand it to the Oprah Life Classes – I’m having a blast using the website to further myself. I was using the exercises to help locate that innocent little voice.

1) WWBD: I am conflicted on my relationship with Bunny.
a. Take a break and recenter
b. Relax and let my true feelings show
c. Would hold my feelings in the highest regard
2) Nightmare Board/Wisdom Board
a. Create a nightmare vision board
b. Create a positive board dealing with the same issue
c. Shred or Burn the nightmare board
3) Vocab Rehab – Take 10 mins and write a description of your life (don’t judge, just write) – go over your description & locate all negative words and transform them into positivity.

My current life is one of great personal conflictmany choices. I am not happy with where I am at but I feel incapablein control of making the changes that I need at this time. I am in a relationship that does not bring me happiness or peace but has the potential to be everything that I’ve ever wanted in a partner. I have failed to maintain my personal health goals & constantly choose “comfort” foods over healthy foods. I am a fat unhealthy bag of emotional destitute craving redemption Goddess worthy of love and devotion. Why do I get the feeling that this journal entry will not make it onto my blog. I’m just kinda trashing myself but that is what I feeling at the moment. I couldn’t get into Halloween my most favorite holiday – I’m not feeling the fall spirit – I’m afraid that my Scroogish Father & Grumpy BF will taint my feelings towards Christmas this year. I don’t know what to do about anything. Because I work at night & technically I am off during the day (should be sleeping ya know) my Dad seems to feel that I can take all the GM care off his shoulders and while I do not really care one way or the other – I feel like I am constantly being taken advantage of. No one ever says thank you or good job. Not in my personal life, not in my professional life, no where. A simple thank you would make me feel so much better about things. That is why I started making Lucas’ lunch boxes – I figured I would get a thank you from him, but I don’t.

Oh shit I just realized that I’m not going to have my sister here for Black Friday sales – that sucks ass and on that note I can’t do 10 mins – my brain won’t focus.

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