- What area of your life do you want to work with?
The first step is to focus on a particular area of your life you want to change, correct, amend or otherwise deal with. This could be an important relationship, a health issue, money concerns, career moves or anything else you want to work with.
- What is your current situation in this area?
Be objective and tell the truth. List as many things as you feel adequately describes what reality you’re currently experiencing in your chosen area of manifestation.
- How do you feel about your current situation?
Use the power of your feelings to vent emotionally if you have to. What’s positive? What’s negative? List everything that comes bubbling up no matter how trivial or bizarre. What in your current situation is holding you back from obtaining what you want to manifest? Some things will come easily for this list, others will come hard. You might uncover things you never really thought about before. Let both your surprises and your tired old rationales coexist here as a necessary step in the process toward true manifestation.
- How can you let go of what’s holding you back?
Be specific. Be real. What steps can you take to release each of the things that hold you back from obtaining what you desire? Gently acknowledge each one; thank it for serving to challenge you or to move you towards greater awareness or for some other gift to you involving self-mastery. Then, when you have blessed the thing that is holding you back, let it go! Do this in turn with each thing that limits you.
- What can you do right now to manifest what you want?
Be specific and practical. If your area of desired manifestation involves your health, what one thing can you do right now that supports your desire for manifesting health in your life? It is important to do this within 24 hours while the energy is still keenly felt. If you’re really motivated, list three to five things you can do within the next 24 hours. After you’ve accomplished all the things on your list, list some more over the next day or so. Revisit and revise this list as often as needed over the next several months and don’t forget to notice how your life has changed.
- How can you create a quiet, creative space to visualize what you want to create?
This is perhaps the most important step of all. Before you go off on a tangent doing things in the next 24 hours, think about creating a space conducive to bringing your intention into the world, then create that space. Imagine what it feels like to have your intention manifested in your life right now. Allow it to happen without micromanaging the process. Don’t try to tell the universe how to give you what you want, just make it clear what you want.
- Is all of this part of the spiritual process?
Of course it is, silly. Everything is part of the spiritual process. You are a spiritual being who, like all of us, has decided to have a physical experience. Spiritual beings cannot have other than spiritual processes as their mode of operation. This includes the physical as an aspect of spirit. Get over it, accept it, and move on.
- Relax and Have Fun
Don’t forget to have fun with your manifestations. Nothing squelches your intention to live the life you desire than self-conscious preconceptions and self-righteous attitudes about how you think the universe works. Oh, the seriousness of it all!
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