Practitioner 1: "Now it is time for us to give thanks to the Gods for that which sustains us."
Practitioner 2: "So be it. May we ever be aware of all that we owe the gods."
a. bless the milk/wine, pass around
Practitioner 1: Takes the ale. "May the God and Goddess bless this (milk/wine)," gives it to the next practitioner saying, "Take this wine and drink. May the God and Goddess bless you and may you never know thirst." Second practitioner drinks then passes it to the next practitioner in a deosil (clockwise) direction.
b. bless the cakes, pass around
Practitioner 1: Takes the cakes. "May the God and Goddess bless these cakes," gives it to the next practitioner saying, "Take these cakes and drink. May the God and Goddess bless you and may you never know hunger." Second practitioner takes a cake then passes it to the next practitioner in a deosil (clockwise) direction.
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