Ritual - Kid Friendly

SUPPLIES: Three small votive candles: white, yellow and green; a bowl of snow, a collection of bells (one for each person at the table) and Brigid's cross, which you'll need to make beforehand. (Directions are posted separately.)

When everyone is ready to sit down for supper help your child go outside to collect a small bowl of snow. (You want it to melt during dinner so don't get too much and keep it loose, not packed down, so it will melt easier. If you live in a warm climate that doesn't have snow, just scrape some frost out of your freezer.) Put the bowl of snow and Brigid's cross on the table.

Begin your ritual by ringing the bell to establish Sacred Space. The child chosen to be Bell Ringer rings the bell three times and says:
I ring the bell
To cast the spell
Let sacred time begin
1 - 2 - 3
So mote it be
Let sacred time begin.

Then an Adult casts the Circle by saying:
Great Mother,
Weave around us
A circle of radiant light
Where we can honor
Our Lord and Lady.
Protect us, guide us and love us.

Tell the kids to imagine a silvery-blue light surrounding the table to create a Circle. Explain that this "Circle of Light" means we want to make this a sacred place to honor the Goddess and God. Explain that a Sacred Place doesn't have to be a church. It can be in your dining room, a special spot in the forest, or even at school, as long as you show the respect and honor the Goddess and God deserve by creating your Sacred Space first. Next we "Call the Quarters." Explain that this is asking the Ancient Ones to add their powers to ours to make our Circle stronger. The child chosen to be Candle Lighter lights the yellow candle and says:
I call to you
Ancient Ones of the East
Guardian Spirits of Air
To witness this ritual and guard this Circle

The child chosen to be Candle Lighter lights the red candle and says:
I call to you
Ancient Ones of the South
Guardian Sprits of Fire
To witness this ritual and guard this Circle.

The child chosen to be Candle Lighter lights the blue candle and says:
I call to you
Ancient Ones of the West
Guardian Spirits of Water
To Witness this ritual and guard this Circle.

The child chosen to be Candle Lighter lights the green candle and says:
I call to you
Ancient Ones of the North
Guardian Spirits of Earth
To witness this ritual and guard this Circle.

Next the Adult says:
The Circle has been cast
The Ancient Ones have been called
Now it is time to welcome The Goddess and the God.
Great Mother,
Whose symbol is the bright night moon,
Heavenly father,
Whose symbol is the fiery sun,
We ask you to join our family
For this Imbolc Celebration.

The adult picks up the white candle, explaining that it represents the Spirit of Winter which has descended over the Earth. Now say:
Darkness! The Earth sleeps...
And yet the sleep is ending!

Have the kids ring their bells to represent the snow that has been falling for so many weeks. Again, if you live in a warmer climate, you can adapt this part by explaining how Winter effects other regions of the country. The adult lights the white candle and places it in the snow. If you have two adults at the ritual, let the second one take this part. Raise the bowl of snow and say:
The night is dark and cold
The snow is heavy and deep.
Under Winter's white blanket
The fields and forests are asleep!

They return the bowl to the table. Now the first adult picks up the yellow candle. Tell the children you chose yellow to represent The Sun, the radiant power of God. Place the yellow candle to the right of the bowl and light it. Now the second adult (if there is one) can say:
The Sun is growing stronger
The Sun is shining longer
The days are getting warmer
Spring is on its way!

Have the kids ring their bells again. This time tell them they are the warm, fresh breezes of spring, coming to melt the snow. Let them have fun with it. Remember you want your children to look at ritual as the happy, fun celebration it was to our ancestors! The first adult picks up the green candle, explaining that green represents the Earth and all the growing things. S/he places the green candle to the left of the bowl and lights it. Now the second adult says:
Mother Earth whispers,
You can't see it
But beneath their blanket of snow
The plants and trees begin to stir!
All the creatures of her realm
Respond to her call
And begin to awake
From their long winter sleep.

One last time, have the kids give their bells a good shake. Tell them they are the voice of Mother Earth, nature's alarm clock, waking the frozen ground and sleeping plants from their winter Slumber. Now you can serve supper. While you eat, talk about the astronomical significance of this cross-quarter day. It's been 6 weeks since Yule and the Sun has been rising higher in the sky every day. We are now only 7 weeks away from the Vernal Equinox, Ostara, which is the first day of Spring. It also makes an interesting comparison if you can show the children that, on the Wheel of the Year, Imbolc lies exactly half a year away from Lughnasadh, August 1st. At Lughnasadh, Fall is still many weeks away and yet, with the First Harvest, we begin to prepare for it. Imbolc is the same. Although Spring might still be many weeks away, we can begin to anticipate it's return! You also want to talk about Brigid, the Lady of Fire and Goddess of the hearth. Explain how in our ancestors' time there wasn't any indoor heat or stoves to cook on, so most of the family's activity revolved around the hearth. Brigid was such a beloved Goddess that, to this day, they celebrate her on February 2nd in Ireland. When supper has ended have the adult take the white candle out of the snow bowl and ask a child to tell what has happened to the snow. The younger ones are especially impressed by the melting! Carefully pass the bowl around the table so everyone can see and touch the water that was once snow. When the bowl return to the adult s/he says:
Winter may freeze us
The cold winds may blow
But the Sun will soon please us
And melt all the snow!!

Everyone should repeat
Melt all the snow

while they joyously ring their bells in celebration of approaching Spring. Now it's time to close the ritual. Explain to the children that the ritual is over. Now it is time to thank the Ancient ones for their help and their guidance.

The Candle Snuffer says:
Thank you and farewell
Ancient Ones of the East
Guardian Spirits of Air
Go in Peace.

( Extinguish the yellow candle.)

The Candle Snuffer says:
Thank you and farewell
Ancient Ones of the South
Guardian Spirits of Fire
Go in Peace.

(Extinguish the red candle.)

The Candle Snuffer says:
Thank you and farewell
Ancient Ones of the West
Guardian Spirits of Water
Go in Peace.

(Extinguish the blue candle.)

The Candle Snuffer says:
Thank you and farewell
Ancient Ones of the North
Guardian Spirits of Earth
Go in Peace.

(Extinguish the green candle.)

Then the Adult says farewell to the Goddess and the God:
We thank you God and Goddess
For sharing this special time
With our family.
May we keep you in our hearts,
And follow your path of love
Every day.
Blessed be!

Now the Bell Ringer rings the bell three times to release the Sacred Space and says:
I ring the bell,
Release the spell
And Sacred Time will end.
1 - 2 - 3
So mote it be,
Until we meet again.

Explain that this is the signal that Sacred Time is over. The Circle has been released and the Sacred Space is no more. That means the dining room goes back to being just a normal dining room. Now the Adult says:
The Circle is open
And yet it remains a Circle.
Around and through us
Always flow its magical powers.
This ritual is over.

Now it is time to take Brigid's cross and set it in its place of honor. In Ireland, Brigid's Cross was hung over the hearth as a sign of protection. We hang ours over the stove, which is the modern day equivalent of the hearth. It is a colorful reminder of the Goddess' place in our every day life! Sweet Brigid, Goddess of Fire Guardian of the Hearth, Bless those who live beneath this cross And keep our home safe throughout the coming year. Set the cross in place on the wall. If you have more than one child and ended up making more than one cross, consider letting the children hang their cross in their bedroom. Besides being a protection against fire, the cross is a way to remind them that the Goddess is watching over them, even when they sleep! If you wish to do a cleansing ritual as part of the purification aspect of Candlemas, you can do that now. I've enclosed our House Warding Ritual separately, for your convenience.

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