
Circle Cast – throw flower petals
Equal is the light and dark,
With these gifts our circle we mark.
As warm sunlight greens the earth,
The Maiden and Lord dance with mirth.

Quarter Call
Spirits of East – ring bell
Breath of air – light incense
Please come play with us – light candle

Flames of South – ring bell
Sunlight on skin – light cauldren
Please come play with us – light candle

Mers of West – ring bell
Water of life – set water down
Please come play with us – light candle

Gnomes of North – ring bell
Ground beneath us – set earth down
Please come play with us – light candle

We gather together this morning,
In the presence of the Old Gods,
Without malice, without jealousy, without envy.
With fear of naught,
We celebrate the Maiden,
The light of life, which is a bright flame before us,
A guiding star above us,
A smooth path beneath us.
May this flame be kindled within our hearts,
A flame of love for our neighbors,
To our friends, to our kindred all.
We gather this Equinox day in honor
Of the virginal Daughter of Cerridwen.
The Maiden of Spring.

By the flowers of the field, O lady of delight
By the crops thy blessing yield, O Maiden clear and bright.
We invoke thy presence in kernels and sheaves
We see thy face in the moonlit leaves
Come now to us, extend thy grace
Come into our circle within this holy space
Daughter of the Earth, drinking sunlight
Queen of plants, Sister of night,
By leaf and twig, by root and bough
By water and earth, come to us now!
Bring us your grain, the staff of our lives.
Bring us your fruit, wherever it thrives.
Mistress of herbs, unlock your power
And lead us into your leafy bower.
In love and joy we call your name
With comforting hope, you ease our pain.
We see thee in the swelling bud
We feel thee in our stirring blood.
O Lady clear,
We feel thee near
In Spring a Maiden with flowers crowned,
In Summer and Harvest, the Mother renowned.
In Fall and Winter, the Hag holds sway,
Yet, the Maiden remains but months away.
Great Triple Goddess, the seasons flow
And ebb to thy will, as you come and go.
We call upon thee - Persephone!
We call upon thee - Eos!
We call upon thee - Aine!
We call upon thee - Arianrod!
We feel your presence here ! Blessed Be!

Turn to the North
Goddess and Mother! Hear us this day; the time has come to shed your Wintery body and be born to the light and beauty of Spring! No longer does the earth sleep with you as it's ever watchful guardian, for the time of the shining maiden has come again.

Lord of the Springtime,
Father of flower, field, and fruit
Smile on us as the days grow longer!
Everywhere is the green of new growth,
The amazing sight of the renewal of the Earth.
Therefore, by seed and root, by stem and bud
By leaf and flower and fruit,
Do we invoke thee, Lord of Light,
and new Spring Sun.
Move our bodies, our minds, our spirits,
To learn a whole new rhythm,
The rhythmic pulse of the renewing forests,
May Spring come to us, be in us, and recreate life in us.
We call upon thee - Adonis!
We call upon thee - Baldur!
We call upon thee - Apollo!
We call upon thee - Bacchus!
We feel your presence here! Blessed Be!

Turn to the south
God and Father! You have grown strong by the loving and nurturing hand of the Goddess. Now it is time for you to help the plants grow and to take your rightful place as the Green Man. Blessed be!

Pick up the wand and touch its tip to the paper, and say:

Now I cast behind me the darkness of Winter and the past.
I look only to that which lies ahead.
This is the time for me to plant seeds in the
physical, mental, and spiritual realms.

Now write down your desires for the coming year on the slips of paper. Write only one desire on each piece of paper. Fold the papers and hold them up over the altar in offering - say these words:

This is a joyous time, a time for planting.
With joy and trust, I place these requests
in the hands of the Goddess and Her Lord.

Light the papers afire in the flame of the Fire candle and drop them one by one into the cauldron to manifest as the Gods see fit. As you do so, say:

These thought-seeds I do willingly place
into the hands of the Lady and Her Lord,
that these desires and dreams may manifest and become reality.
By the free will of All, and with harm to none,
as I will, so shall it be done.

Circle Dance - call the Maiden
Child of eternity, Smiling Maiden,
Ever pure, ever free, Ever laughing, ever loving,
Come dance with us!

Maiden leads circle dance - all chant
Bunnies Hop, Birdies sing
Winter’s Gone, Welcome Spring

Cakes & Ale
We have danced and now we drink and feast.

May this bread made from the fallen grain fill
and restore you for the coming year.
May you never hunger.

And may this nectar from the ripened fruits quench
and renew you for the coming year.
May you never thirst.

Lady & Lord Farewell
Great Mother, we ask that your blessings remain in our heart, and that we live in harmony with all that dwell on this earth. Thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must.
Thank you for playing with us

Lord of the Spring and budding new life, we welcome the growth and beauty that you bestow upon the greening land. Thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must.
Thank you for playing with us

Quarter Call
Spirits of East – ring bell
Breath of air
Thank you for playing with us – extinguish candle

Flames of South – ring bell
Sunlight on skin
Thank you for playing with us – extinguish candle

Mers of West – ring bell
Water of life
Thank you for playing with us – extinguish candle

Gnomes of North – ring bell
Ground beneath us
Thank you for playing with us – extinguish candle

Circle Dismiss
Raise your arms as you stand facing your altar, and say:

As all good things must sometimes end,
Go forth with the love the Goddess send.
For if your heart is always true,
This circle will come back to you.

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