Witchy Wednesday: Self Help Bracelet

Materials: 5 beads and 5 candles (colors according to your elemental color correspondences), cord thin enough for the beads to go through, scissors

Cast a circle with candles representing the elements recommended.

Take the bead representing Air (yellow) and hold it to the East. Slide it onto the cord and tie a knot on either side, then speak the incantation:
I infuse this bead with the power of speaking truth, energized by the element of Air. As I tie these knots, I bind myself to this promise and power.

Repeat with Fire (red) to the South:
I infuse this bead with the power of keeping my agreements, energized by the element of Fire. As I tie these knots, I bind myself to this promise and power.

Repeat with Water (blue) to the West:
I infuse this bead with the power of taking responsibility for my experience, energized by the element of Water. As I tie these knots, I bind myself to this promise and power.

Repeat with Earth (green) to the North:
I infuse this bead wit the power of asking for what I want, energized by the element of Earth. As I tie these knots, I bind myself to this promise and power.

As you tie on the Spirit (purple) bead:
With this bracelet, power is mine for now, when I need it, and for all time. I wear this bracelet, power Divine, always onward, always inward, always I’ll shine. This promise I make to the Goddess and to me, and as this is my word, so mote it be.

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