Mystical Musings: Imbolc Ritual

AD White alter cloth
AD Silver glitter
AD Cut out snowflakes
Blessed Water Bowl (not to be confused with bowl for circle cast)
Grouping of colored candles (min 5) at east, south, west, center
Single white candle in cauldron (lit)
Smudge Stick (smudge everyone prior to ritual) - also set up smudge door / jump point
Annoiting Oil
AD Flowers
Brighid Candle
Candle Snuffer
CC water bowl
CC Salt
CC Incense
Quarter Candles

HPS begins in the circle alone - kneeling next to lit candle - ring the bell 3 times.
"We begin in darkness *snuff candle* in the seed place, the place of deciding, of becoming *pause* the place where nothing is as yet established. The gleaning is over, the Dark Time has ended, the Wheel has turned. *pause* As the sun grows in strength, We turn to face the future. What will the coming year bring? What will we learn? How will we work change into our lives? These are the questions we ponder this Imbolc, knowing it is up to us *pause* to spark the seeds of illumination, here *pause* now *pause* TONIGHT! *pause* Here, in this place that is not a place, in a time not a time, in this place of choice and change, we know that we can create our own transformation, for this is the place where thought begins, where only a glimmer *relight candle* can cast the shadow that defines the difference between light and dark, the place where we can begin to illuminate our own Mysteries *pause* and so we begin"

*Take 3 measures of salt and add to the water bowl - stir it deosil, combining water & salt, imbue it with purifying energy. Hand to ____ and have them walk around the perimeter of the circle starting at east, sprinkling the water as they go.*
"The cauldron of the mother her mysteries wise and deep. Rise now as we call you this sacred space to keep. The mother supports us, the consort defends us, the guardians surround us, with a web of golden stars. Above and below, around and about, in and out, we charge this circle."
*Set water bowl down on the alter and walk to desinated quarter*

*Light a measure of incense, imbue it with charging energy. Hand to ____ and have them walk around the perimeter of the circle starting at east.*
"The cauldron of the mother her mysteries wise and deep. Rise now as we call you this sacred space to keep. The mother supports us, the consort defends us, the guardians surround us, with a web of golden stars. Above and below, around and about, in and out, we charge this circle."
*Set incense down on the alter and walk to desinated quarter*

*Hold the athame up to the sky and imbue it with protection energy. Hand to ____ and have them walk around the perimeter of the circle starting at east.*
"The cauldron of the mother her mysteries wise and deep. Rise now as we call you this sacred space to keep. The mother supports us, the consort defends us, the guardians surround us, with a web of golden stars. Above and below, around and about, in and out, we charge this circle."
*Set athame down on the alter and walk to desinated quarter*

*Walk to Eastern Quarter*
"Greetings East, By dawn's fresh scent, We welcome the winds of change, Bright morning sky, gentle spring, Which fans the sacred flame. We seek you and we invite you to our sacred space tonight, So that we may know the truth within, By the power of your light. So come OH EAST!"
*Light candle*
"And bless us with the power to undersand. And may blessings return then to you, our source on the morning's gentle wind. Blessed Be. "

*Walk to Southern Quarter*
"Greetings South, By high noon's heat, We welcome the fires of change, Bright summer sky, high noon sun, The earth's most sacred flame, We seek you and we invite you to our sacred space tonight, So that we may know the desire of our will. By the passion that burns so bright, So come OH SOUTH!"
*Light candle*
"And bless us with the power to work our will. And may blessings return then to you, our source, and the sun keep climbing, still. Blessed Be."

*Walk to Western Quarter*
"Greetings West, By twilights stars, We welcome the tides of change, Sweet evening skies of romance true, Which temper the sacred flame, We seek you and we invite you to our sacred space tonight, So that we may honor our truth with love. By the courage you bring to light, So come OH WEST!"
*Light candle*
"And bless us with the power to see and dare.. And may blessings return then to you, our source, upon the misty air. Blessed Be."

*Walk to Northern Quarter*
"Greetings North, By midnight's silence, We are here to learn of change, By cobalt skies and Myteries deep, Which hold the sacred flame, We seek you and we invite you to our sacred space tonight, So that we may manifest the truth. By the power of your might, So come OH NORTH!"
*Light candle*
"And bless us with the power to manifest change. And may blessings return then to you, our source, in their sacred names. Blessed Be."

*Walk to Alter - standing before it*
"Fiery Brighid, goddess of the forge, of healing and of poetry, Come! Blessed goddess with the flame-bright hair, who inspires us to greater visions, who is the Lady of Creativity and Eloquence, who fuels the bright flames within. Come! We ask you to our circle tonight that we may see and illuminate our own lives, our own Mysteries. Mighty Brighid, come! Please, we invite you here now! Blessed Be"
*Light Candle*

"Lugh, Bright Lord of the morning skies, of noon and afternoon's heat, Come! Radiant Warrior who saved your people with your bright sword, who is the Celtic god of drive and of action, come! We ask you to our circle tonight that we may learn the truth of the illuminations we seek, that we may act on what we've learned, with courage and strength. Bright Lugh come! We invite you to be here now! Blessed Be"
*Light Candle*

*If group ritual - have everyone sit down*
"Today is Imbolc, the day of midwinter. The cold has begun to fade away, and the days grow longer. This is a time in which the earth is quickening, like the womb of Brighid, birthing the fire after the darkness."

*light Brighid candle*
"Bright blessings at midwinter to all! Brighid has returned with the sacred flame, watching over home and hearth. This is a time of rebirth and fertility, and as the earth grows full of life, may you find abundance on your own path. Imbolc is the season of lambing, of new life, and a time to celebrate the nurturing and warmth of Brighid."

"Tonight we stand in the seed-place, between the worlds to be certain, but also between the dark and the light. For teh Dark Time has been ended and now the first stirrings of life and light are coming forth. Although all may seem dormant still, there is life teeming under the soil. Even as we go now to explore our own Mysteries, just as Persephone learned in the Underworld, so we know we will return to celebrate truth and light, just as Kore will soon return and warm the earth again."

*Take a moment and cleanse your third eye with the salt water, walk around circle and do the same for each member of circle. Have everyone get comfortable, ground and center*
"Go within, sink your roots deep into the earth *** see them going deeper and deeper, down to the very foundations of bedrock, of spirit, of being. *** See your roots probing and exploring your own dark spaces, your own Mysteries, your core *** And as you see and feel these dark spaces opening, know that now it is time to bring some of the more puzzling of these Mysteries to light *** Just not these areas which you would have knowledge of, and remember. Remember, noting all that is still in want of illumination. Know that you are in that seed place, where new clarity and understanding can dawn. As you come up from the depths of meditation, know that you have the power to bring this illumination to your life: you have the will and the desire *** and the skill. Open your eyes where you are ready."
*Wait until everyone returns from the meditation before continuing*

"Know that all of the things we would wish to illuminate come from somewhere, some elemental force rules them."
*Each member of the group approaches the altar, and light their candle from the Brighid candle.*
"Come, and allow the warmth of Brighid's hearth to embrace you. Allow the light of her flame to guide you. Allow the love of her blessing to protect you."
*Everyone shoud begin lighting the other candles about the room chanting the below refrain. At each candle state something you would like to enlighten. Continue to chant, letting the power build, dance in a circlular manor.*
"Within, without, To Mysteries dark and deep I shine a light for wisdowm, bringing answer that I seek"

  • Between Imbolc & Ostara is the perfect time to do a complete house cleansing. 1st physically clean the house and then magically cleanse it.
  • Clean out older clothes and unused items and donate them to those who are in need.
  • Plan changes to make in the home this year
  • Decorate plant pots and drop petals around the dinner table.
  • Purification ritual
  • Fasting
  • Candle making is a very good activity for this time of year
  • Start making a list of all the things you would like to plant with in yourself, add to it over the coming months.
  • Light candles for yourself & loved ones this month.
  • Go on a walk in the forest to search for signs of spring.

*offer milk to Goddess - raise cup above head*
"May Brighid give her blessings to you this season."
*Pass cup around the circle - everyone use the same phrase while passing*

*Offer cake to Goddess - raise plate above head*
"May Brighid'slove and light nuture your path."
*Pass plate around the circle - everyone use the same phrase while passing*
"May the coming year bring Joy and happiness to you and me."

"Lugh, Bright Lord of the morning skies, we thank you! Radiant Warrior God of drive and of action, we thank you for coming to our circle tonight and helping us learn of the truths we sought. We ask that you continue to guide us, that we may act upon what we've learned, with courage and with strength. Bright Lugh, again we thank you and bless you as you go on your way - but please stay if you will. Blessed Be!"

"Fiery Brighid, Goddess of the Forge, of healing and of poetry, we thank you! Blessed Goddess with the flame bright hair, who inspires us and fuels the bright flames within, we thank you for coming to our circle tonight that we may see and illuminate our lives, our Mysteries. Mighty Brighid, again we thank you! Please stay if you will, but go with our thanks and blessings if you must leave, Blessed Be!"

"Farewell North, By midnight's silence. You give us strength to change, By cobalt skies and Mysteries deep, Which hold the sacred flame, We thank you for the gifts you brought to our sacred space tonight. That we may manifest the truth By the power of your might. Blessed Be."

"Farewell West, By twilight stars. You bring the tides of change, Sweet evening skies of romacne true, Which temper the sacred flame, We thank you for the gifts you brought to our sacred space tonight. That we may honor truthwith love, By the courage you brought to light. Blessed Be."

"Farewell South, By high noon's heat. You bring the fires of change, Bright summer sky, high noon sun, the earth's most sacred flame, We thank you for the gifts you brought to our sacred space tonight. That we may know the power to will, By the passion that burns so bright. Blessed Be."

"Farewell East, By dawn's fresh scent. You bring the winds of change, Bright morning sky, gentle spring, Which fans the sacred flame, We thank you for the gifts you brought to our sacred space tonight. That we may know the truths within By the power of your light. Blessed Be."

"The circle is open, but unbroken. May the peace of the gods live forever in our hearts. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again."

*Leave all candles to burn out thus releasing all of the good wishes & intentions out into the universe*

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