Mini-Challenge: Get Blown!
Interesting, serve face while being blown in the face by a leaf blower. Mmm, how is this fun for anyone? Ginger & Trixie won and so get to head the teams. School house pick up next, cue the hurt feelings.
Maxi Challenge: Lip Synchapaloza of spoken word and song for the preflight safety video for Glamazonian Airways.
Team Ginger - OMG, I don't know if it's because the curvy girls landed on this team or what, but sooooooooo much more entertaining
- Ginger Minj - I didn't see enough of her, but what I did was funny
- Sasha Belle - ugh, so not sexy
- Jasmine Masters - impressed with the lippin chicka, but your look is still falling flat
- Mrs Kasha Davis - Yay!!!! You so totally rocked the scat
- Jaidynn Diore Fierce - uhm no
- Kennedy Davenport - well Coco you may not be but damn you nailed this challenge
- Kandy Ho' - were you in the program
- Trixie Mattel - OMG - too funny! She looked totally drunk drunk drunk!
- Katya - Mmmm, first mono was totally jacked up, mini how do you expect anyone to breath - NAILED IT.
- Max - OMG, Love her
- Miss Fame - you was boring, you was wooden, you was out of synch
- Pearl - uhm, she has wiggles and she has moves? Who would have thunk it.
- Violet Chachki - stiff stiff stiff and BORING!
- Ginger Minj - oh my, big gurl done RIGHT!
- Jaidynn Diore Fierce - I love the flight attendant
- Jasmine Masters - mmm, not loving this look
- Kandy Ho' - looks like she's headed to a garden party
- Katya - total flower power cute stewardess
- Kennedy Davenport - what's up with the hood thing
- Max - I love love love the look, but it looks more like girl out shopping
- Miss Fame - did she walk the runway?
- Mrs Kasha Davis - loving the silhouette
- Pearl - I don't get jet set - looks like Beverly Hills wannabe
- Sasha Belle - ugh - total flop
- Trixie Mattel - oh I love the "Jet"son inspired outfit, totally cartoonish!
- Violet Chachki - sooooo loving the outfit, but totally missed the jet set mark
Challenge Winner: Ginger Minj (I had a tie - Ginger Minj & Trixie Bell - out of those 2 Ginger for the win)
Bottom Two:Sasha Bell & Katya (Sasha Bell & Kandy Ho')
Lip Synch for your LIFE!: "Twist of Fate" Olivia Newton John
Eliminated: Sasha Bell
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