Reboot Yourself!

  1. The very first step is to acknowledge your past. All of it. The blessings, the lessons, the pain, the laughter ~ every single step has led you to the here and now.
  2. Create a list of everything in your life ~ your labels, your possessions, your relationships ~ really delve deep and uncover every thing there is to uncover ~ both the good and the bad! I don't care if your list is 565 items long! Create this list.
  3. Look at your list ~ go through it item by item ~ release all that no longer serves you. Now don't just pay lip service to this step, you gotta mean it. Rewrite all the outdated statements on individual pieces of paper (or anything really flammable). Now lighten you spirit's burden. Set that puppy on fire. Burn it to the ground. See deep inside your self that as each burden burns away in written form, it burns away from your soul. Over. Done. As in stick a fork in you. 
  4. Now just as you went through your check list earlier ~o through your belongings now. Get rid of the broken, discarded, trashed, old, ugly things. If you don’t use it, give it away, throw it away, get rid of it. If something is unfinished but feels correct, clear some time to deal with it. It's time to take some of the physical load off your shoulders.
  5. Okay, you've divested yourself of outdated thinking (yes it will come back, just keep shoving it out) and worn out things ~ now is the time to express your gratitude to the universe. A simple thank you is good, a meditation better, an actual letter to the Universe that you read and then send up in smoke or record in your Book of Shadows ~ even better!
  6. After doing all the clearing out, now is the time to manifest what you do want to see appear in your future. Create your desire list and focus on it. Announce it to the world. Write it Down. Own IT! Claim IT! 
  7. It's time to take positive action ~ create a mantra, vision board, chant, ritual, chose a word of the year, create a symbol that will remind you of what you want. Place this list, chant, mantra, vision board what the fuck EVER! where you can see it daily. Each and every day work on manifesting your desires!

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