Season 8

Episode 1: Spider and the Fly 9-21-10

For months after Mexican drug cartel baroness Paloma Reynosa's failed attempt to kill Gibbs's dad, Jackson lingers under tight NCIS protection while McGee looks for her and retired agent Mike Franks in Canada, Ziva in Miami's Cuban community. In the West Virginian Blue Mountains, the home finds captain John McMahon and his passenger, Reynosa gang member Estaban Lopez, shot after their helicopter made an emergency landing. They were consolidating a new drug distribution line along the Atlantic. Alejandro turns up, officially for a Mexican cooperation offer, in fact planting a bug. After Mike turns up, the reunited team members all get death threats from Paloma. Gibbs sets a cruel trap.

Quote of the Show:
Sweet Paloma's got a hornet up her skirt. And her sights are set on revenge.

My Thoughts: Wow – what a season opener. This episode just had excitement galore! I loved the nasty baited trap at the end.

Episode 2: Worst Nightmare 9-28-10

A custom-made anesthetic gas released in a Quantico marine base high school and former arsenal's ventilation system made substitute English teacher Walter Carmichael's class faint, allowing the abduction of Navy brat pupil Rebecca Mason. During parents Navy officers Nick Jr. and Lisa's Persian Gulf tour, she stayed with doting and adored grandpa Nicolas Mason. He tricks the team so he can handle the ransom claimers himself, bloodily, apparently twice, but fails to get Becca. One of NCIS's internship kids helps Abby trace the gas to a pharmacy, which proves a cover for Nicholas's top-secret past.

Quote of the Show:
Building catches fire. Most people run away. Some people - run in.

My Thoughts: William Devane plays an awesome twisted agent, I loved the “end game”.

Episode 3: Short Fuse 10-5-10

Never-married Marine Sergeant Heather Dempsey, a bomb squad Afghanistan veteran, reports having shot an unidentified intruder at her base home. Elaborate forensics determine it's Glover Reese, a hired gun who removed his own fingerprints. He had a classified GI cellphone, which Fornell reveals traces to to FBI deputy director Gary Tolin, who seemed to be hiding an adulterous affair with Dempsey. She is nearly killed by a bomb aboard the USS Barry, moored on ceremonial duty. But an older family drama proves key to the case. Public Affairs Office Ron Sands tags along, as Tony is his choice as face of the new NCIS recruiting brochure.

Quote of the Show:
Hey. Check it out! Who's the face of NCIS? You're looking at it. Live with it, McEnvy. Get used to it.

My Thoughts: Wowser – gotta love the new brochure cover!! So handsome! Could have done without the “mystery” – it wasn’t that great.

Episode 4: Royals & Loyals 10-12-10

When the body of an American Petty Officer is connected to a British Navy vessel, murder turns into an international incident.

Quote of the Show:
I'm calling Sec Nav before the two of you get in a saber duel in the parking lot.

My thoughts: Daniel Gillies (who has to be one of the handsomest creatures ever to walk planet earth) as the British officer Malloy makes the episode.

Episode 5: Dead Air 10-19-10

While US Navy public affairs commander Walter Daniels was the guest in politics student Vincent Clark's small local radio station for a foreign policy debate with DJ Adam Gator, they and the engineer were suddenly shot by hunting gun just. He was to start his announced exposure of Military At Home, a group of listeners who want all security resources domestically deployed, a 'terrorist' excess of patriotism.

Quote of the Show:
Yeah, my father taught me.

My Thoughts: I get that people are crazy but this episode scares the piss out of me.

Episode 6: Cracked 10-26-10

Delving into the mind of a brilliant Naval Scientist, Abby becomes fixated on solving her murder, while DiNozzo's latest fling leads to an interesting Halloween

Quote of the Show:
I can see a kindred spirit in you. I mean, not that I can see your spirit, cause that would be weird. I guess not too weird because you're in here and you're... you know, you're - Um anyway, so what I'm trying to say is-is we communicate in the same way. I could tell the first time I saw all this. Everyone else saw chaos and I-I saw patterns right away. There were patterns in the chaos... So I... just wanted you to know that whatever it is... that you're trying to tell me, I promise you, I promise I'll understand.

My Thoughts: I’ve come to really love the Halloween episodes and this just kinda went ho-hum. Oh well. Brilliant mystery.

Episode 7: Broken Arrow 11-9-10

At Annapolis naval academy, retired Marine Commander Woodrow Iverson's corps is found in a dumpster by his puzzled friend Vice Admiral C. Clifford Chase, deputy director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who claims to ignore why he was asked to meet 'Woody' there. Woody arrived from billionaire Jonathan Royce's Swiss home to a Washington trade conference on the same plane as Tony's slick dad, who is presumably ruined. The team needs Anthony Senior's help to investigate Royce's possible involvement with a 'broken arrow', a missing hydrogen bomb.

Quote of the Show:
Yeah... I'm beginning to feel like a suspect. I don't expect special treatment because I'm junior's father. And I accept that we will never be friends, Gibbs. But I don't like your tone.

My Thoughts: This episode rocked – I love Senior, he makes the show when he guest spots. The mystery was a little on the light side, but having Robert Wagner playing senior citizen Bond, made up for it.

Episode 8: Enemies Foreign 11-16-10

Gibbs team ensures security for the Mossad delegation, including the director, Ziva's father Eli, in person, to a conference Vance hosts, including all people known to be involved in the disastrous Amsterdam 'Trident' operation. They soon link apparently unrelated cases in Washington and the Caribean to a Palestinian splinter group planning a heavily-armed attack on the NCIS conference premises. Despite dealing with the Palestinians, security is grossly breached.

Quote of the Show:
Don't shoot! It's just some clothes and, like, DVDs. I'll return them. What's NCIS?

My Thoughts: I liked the fact that Eli appeared again, but I’m still having trouble with the whole leaving Ziva to die in the desert thing.

Episode 9: Enemies Domestic 11-23-10

The team scrambles for answers after a shocking ambush reveals a new twist to their current investigation.

Quote of the Show:
When your whole country could be wiped away anyday, you don't take tomorrow for granted.

My Thoughts: Wow, what a twist. I was totally not expecting the path that this story took

Episode 10: False Witness 12-14-10

The NCIS team investigates the disappearance of a Navy petty officer who is the sole witness in an upcoming murder trial.

Quote of the Show:
You are... Tony DiNozzo. The class clown. That is why we love you.

My Thoughts: I love the fact that the murderer is the one who convinced the kid to get on with his life. And the return of the class clown was well worth suffering the serious DiNozzo.

Episode 11: Ships in the Night 1-11-11

Coast Guard Investigator Abigail Borin Marine called old acquaintance Gibbs having been the last to see alive highly decorated first lieutenant Jeremy Nolan. He was expertly shot twice, from a smaller boat, during a family dinner celebrating his safe return from Afghanistan, aboard the Potomac boat where Borin had a lousy date with Steve Mehlman, with socialite sister Kimberly 'Kim' Nolan, sole heir to the late self-made millionaire Jack, who disinherited Jeremy for refusing to succeed him in Nolan Radar Systems, now run by CFO Tom Adam, and their uncle, corporate lawyer Wayne Grossman. Jeremy's Princeton non-friend Devin Lodge, a socialite millionaire who bothered Kim, had a brawl with him three days earlier. A second body is fished out of the Potomac, violent ex-con Kyle Dansby, dumped and carrying the bullet type used to kill Jeremy, shot himself with another caliber.

Quote of the Show:
Borin: Never make excuses. It's rule number one. You should write that down.
Timothy: I would. But rule number one's already been taken - twice

My Thoughts: This case was a rocking one – I enjoyed watching Borin & Gibbs interaction together.

Episode 12: Recruited 1-18-11

Navy Petty Officer First Class Simon Craig is pushed down a staircase and finished off by crushing his skull with a workman's boot in the Maryland high-school where he counseled five potential recruits. Simon started a gay affair a month earlier with English teacher Glenn Block, whose viciously jealous wife Penny recently found out. 'Recruit' Paul Simmons never mentioned their contacts to his dad, unemployed drunk Lance, who can't believe Paul would even consider military discipline, but ignores a crucial secret. Meanwhile Ducky's predecessor, Doctor Walter Magnus, visits barely announced, suffering from Alzheimer.

Quote of the Show:
It's amazing that you guys didn't have all these computers and stuff, and you solved cases. I mean really complicated ones. I mean I know coroners weren't doing Forensic autopsies back then. But it wasn't until 1975 that the FBI installed their first automated fingerprint reader. That sort of revolutionized what I do - what we do.

My Thoughts: Is it possible for an episode to be one of your favorite while at the same time least favorite episode? If so, then this show ranks for both of those. I loved the human interest/character interaction while I felt the crime was truly reprehensible.

Episode 13: Freedom 2-1-11

Active reserve US Marine sergeant Travis Wooten's corpse is found in his backyard by dog-walkers Kyle Severin and Lauren Donnelly. Blood traces suggest his wife, gunnery sergeant Georgia, a tough close combat instructor, and their son Jacob seem kidnapped. In fact she's found AWOL in Maryland but shows no mourning. Indeed, she knew Travis cheated on her with Jancey Gilroy, who ignored about his marriage, in fellow veteran Len Feeney's pool club. Both spouses have excessive wounds and bruises. While more saucy background is unearthed, taunter Tony solves McGee's desperate $10,000 identity theft problem.

Quote of the Show:
I'm a United States Marine, Agent Gibbs. Steady is how I'm built. Steady is what my son needs right now. Steady... is all I've got. You're a Marine. You should understand that.

My Thoughts: Wow – this show hit home. I was in an abusive relationship before and this hurts my heart.

Episode 14: A Man Walks Into A Bar 2-8-11

Submarine USS Colonial's North Korea observation mission is frozen when its XO, commander Vincent Reynolds, not far from retirement, is found in his state room, fatally shot with a Russian gun. While Dr. Rachel Cranston follows each in turn, digging in their fears and frustrations as hated, long overdue 'routine' psychological evaluation, the team passes from three foreign journalists on board to Vincent's own hidden problems, such as as affair with Navy Admiral Wayne Hargrove's wife Nancy.

Quote of the Show:
Director Vance, spending time with your agents has been... enlightening to say the least. In clinical terms, they're a disaster. But their selfless disfunction is ultimately why it works. It's clear to me that we all react to life's challenges in different ways...

My Thoughts: I love the fact that Caitlin Todd’s sister comes in to shrink the team, and so many interesting little tidbits come out. I loved it!!

Episode 15: Defiance 2-15-11

Belgravian defense minister Andor Gorgova survives a bomb attack in his Balkans capital, thanks to his US Marines bodyguard, who is killed. The State Department therefore hosts the signing of a controversial treaty and offers protection to his party, assigning to NCIS his headstrong daughter Adriana, who keeps her identity secret except for study friend Judd Stern and diplomacy professor Carl Fleming. She seems to flirt with McGee after he saves her PC, but is kidnapped on his watch, and was in on the stunt to help prevent the treaty being signed. But the demands are changed, for a macabre reason. Gibbs conducts his own informal investigation besides the FBI, which his sole jurisdiction.

Quote of the Show:
Okay, what am I missing here, huh? We talking about the same guy - Timothy McGee? The Icabod Crane who speaks in algorythms. And looks like he has some kind of permanently frumpy expression on his face.

My Thoughts: Oh poor Timmy – he keeps getting the psycho chicks.

Episode 16: Kill Screen 2-22-11

USMC corporal Zach Anderson's severed finger - and toe tips are found in a different place than his corpse, which was stretched to death on a rack. His stolen credit-card traces to his ex Maxine 'Max Destruction', who dumped him for infidelity, claims she just 'paid off' his debt to her and gets on great with McGee as a fellow gamer, unlike Zach. She's shot at in his presence with the gun of martial arts instructor Lisa Bock, one of many victims of his elaborate fake rich guy act, but she has a double alibi. NCIS has computer problems and gets a visit for security firm consultant Blake Martin. Max's and Zach's computer were infiltrated by specific spy-ware, which also planted encrypted data. Reed Snyder, the crucial game's programmer, is missing and had dealings with dodgy Moroccan arms dealer Agah Bayar. Snyder is found tortured to death similarly, but a day before Armstrong and for a surprisingly military reason.

Quote of the Show:
WHOA! That's not my purse!

My Thoughts: Whoa – this episode had some serious twists and turns – I loved the video game ending!!!

Episode 17: One Last Score 3-1-11

Recently let-off temporary NCIS research assistant Oliver Froman is found on a parking, expertly cut open with several upward knife thrusts. He was working on the case of Leona Phelps, a fraudster who stole fortunes she was supposed to invest for many people and is offered a probation deal. More crimes follow, involving her victims and/or accomplices. Tony has mixed feelings towards the new agent in charge of a team reposted in DC from Spain, which he would have been hadn't he refused to transfer.

Quote of the Show:
I shower 3 times a week... like Brad Pitt. Preserves my natural aroma.

My Thoughts: It’s a cloudy episode – I’m not exactly happy with the barter that occurred.

Episode 18:Out of the Frying Pan 3-22-11

A teenage boy is accused of murdering his father, a retired marine, and Gibbs questions Vance's decision that Gibbs should cross-examine the young man.

Quote of the Show:
Gibbs: You swung an axe at a scared kid, Director Vance. One person on a jury finds coercion in that, he will walk!
Leon: His confession trumps your gut! I'm calling the US Attorney.
Gibbs: This wasn't a favor. This was an execution! And he didn't do it!

My Thoughts: Now this is the type of show I love to watch – Gibbs is truly a rocking leader & I loved him taking up for the innocent.

Episode 19: Tell All 3-29-11

NCIS connects a message in blood left by a murdered Navy commander to a manuscript that may contain classified military information.

Quote of the Show:
Well, I don't know if a head slap coming down the aisle is the ideal Kodak moment.

My Thoughts: I’ve seen this type of show before and I wasn’t impressed with it.

Episode 20: Two Faced 4-5-11

To Gibbs' displeasure, Special Agent E.J. Barrett returns to lead the investigation of a seaman's death that may be connected to a series of port-related murders. Meanwhile, Ziva finally introduces her boyfriend, Ray, to the team.

Quote of the Show:
Starting without me, Special Agent Barret?

My Thoughts: Okay so I may not like the way that Gibbs handled the usurper but she had it coming & in all actuality he’s right. Pin the current murder and work from there.

Episode 21: Dead Reflection 4-12-11

A Navy lieutenant's murder is caught on tape by a Pentagon security camera.

Quote of the Show:
I know what you're thinking. That I've lost focus. That I've taken my eye off the ball.

My Thoughts: A little too out there for me.

Episode 22: Baltimore 5-3-11

After Tony's ex-partner, Danny Price, appears to be the Port-to-Port Killer's latest victim, he revisits his days as a detective in Baltimore, including his first encounter with Gibbs.

Quote of the Show:
Everybody. I just want you to know that I'm a little disappointed. PCP addicts are Friday nights. It's Saturday night - which is Hooker night. Where are the hookers?

My Thoughts: I liked the look into Tony’s past.

Episode 23: Swan Song 5-10-11

After new evidence reveals that the Port-to-Port killer has infiltrated the agency, the NCIS teams chase every lead in a race to track him down.

Quote of the Show:
Think that's typical of most... bottom feeding mud suckers. Out of curiosity, your eyeball, we're holding on to it for you by the way, how come it opens up restricted areas at NCIS?

My Thoughts: Oh man – I truly hate the fact that he was killed, but I loved the way this episode was structured! He will be missed a great deal.

Episode 24: Pyramid 5-17-11

The lives of NCIS members are in jeopardy when they come face-to-face with the infamous Port-to-Port killer.

Quote of the Show:
Too many years of lighting up finally caught up with me, probie. For 3 decades, I outran every bullet aimed at me. Can't out run this - not with these lungs. Only got a few months left to go. And I plan to live 'em.

My Thoughts: This is yet another one of those the show was interesting but I couldn’t get into it. I did “enjoy” the funeral and the closure that it brought. And come on – give Ziva a break!!!!

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