
Christopher Smith

Young Adult - Paranormal
Kindle / 70 Pages
Series Bullied #2

In REVENGE, all hell breaks loose after the events that unfolded at the end of the first book in the series, BULLIED. Now, a war builds against Seth as others vie to take control of the amulet and use its powers for themselves, including its original owners--and a beautiful yet cunning witch.

I picked this book up because Series

What I liked the Most? CS is a master at weaving words

What I liked the Least? the cover art - again

Review: As much as Seth dreams of killing those responsible for his parents horrendous death, Jim cautions him to use the amulet for good. As a result, Seth conjures the perfect prison for each of his bullies.

There is a quote “There are 2 ways of exerting one’s strength: one is pushing down, the other pulling up” and this book truly shows the meaning of that quote. Seth starts showing his true strength by pulling himself up, while creating situations that guarantee the bullies show their true colors.

Recommended to: Highly recommended for anyone who has ever been bullied and/or anyone who has been a bully, basically everyone

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